Author: Aman

  • What is Cansat?

    What is Cansat?

    Aman avatar
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    Cansat is a combination of the 2 words: Can and Satellite. This is because our task is to build a machine, which has some capabilities of a satellite, in the size of a can of coke – or Pepsi, if you prefer, you pyscopath. Cansats in Europe is an initiative of the European Space Agency…

  • Renewable Sources On Other Planets?

    Renewable Sources On Other Planets?

    Aman avatar
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    Our secondary mission with our Cansat is to theoretically land on a celestial object and investigate the amount of renewable sources on it, or even if it has any sources. This is important to space exploration because after we find that perfect goldilocks’ planet, there will be other complications with it, such as whether the…